Thursday, December 10, 2009


Dear Reader:

Welcome to my first ever blog post. I've been tossing around the idea of starting a blog for a while now and pretty much decided on impulse to start one right now (and I mean RIGHT now). I'm considering it part therapy and part hobby - percentages to be decided as we go along.

The only thing I have fixed is the title; which is fortunate because it's one of the first things you need to enter when setting up a blog. My chosen title, obviously, is "POST IMPERFECT"... I've been reading blogs for a while and have been struck by how I often feel both inspired and somehow diminished after reading them. Inspired because some of the lives about which I am reading are truly inspirational - or at least founded around some central passion - and diminished because my life was not nearly so filled with passion or, as it happens, the simplicity I crave.

You know how some people have it all worked out or at least, portray the concept of having it all worked out? I'm NOT one of those people. Although it is a little early for a mid-life/existential crisis, I find myself trying to work out what's important to me as though I was a clichéd middle-aged man buying a sports car. I sometimes find myself feeling somewhat diminished by the "perfect" images some blogs present: it's not a harsh criticism - the blog world is out there to allow us to make what we wish and writers don't need to present a warts-and-all autobiography if they don't desire to expose themselves completely. But sometimes I wonder why I can't have that "happy" life with the wonderful everything. Maybe some people do and, for those who recognise and appreciate that, I admire their luck (or is it a talent?). But I'd like to know about some of their sadder or more difficult days too. That way, I could learn from them in more ways than one. So some of my posts may well be "imperfect"... or maybe the act of talking to the wild world out there might enable me to make some changes, whatever they may be, for the better; so this might be the beginning of my life post its (current) imperfections!

I try to live by two simple rules (which, of course lend themselves to many sub-categories - but enough of complexity): respect living things and respect the environment. I hope this will come through in my musings. I look forward to writing, and maybe even reading comments from others, as my story unfolds.

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